Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Paris looks like an elegant woman who is almost 50 years old. She's forever graceful, wearing expensive and quality made clothing. Even the makeup and fragrance she uses consists of quality name brands. With her handbags, LV is the minimum. She's always attending high society gatherings in her luxury cars. She's very eloquent and popular among the rich and powerful people. She is elegant and charming when she speaks and smiles. But, if you watch carefully, you will notice. Although she maintains herself very well, it's still difficult to conceal what the traces of time have left behind. Her saggy face and crow’s feet beside her eyes have already revealed her age.

Sidney looks like a young girl who was from an upper middle class Caucasian family. She's in her prime age, about 17 or 18. She's beautiful, sunny and full of energy. She's either enjoying her sunshine on the beach or surfing and playing in the sea in her fabulous bikinis. She has no financial problems at all, since her parents are well to do. She has also no worries in her study, as she's clever enough to pass all her modules. She often laughs loudly, as if there is nobody around her. She seldom put on makeup, and always exposes body a lot. Why not? She has nothing to hide. She has too much of her youth.

Chiang Mai/清迈
Chiang Mai looks like a young woman from a poor and humble family. She's about 23 or 24. Though she is able to read, she did not have much quality education. She looks good and always tries her best to make herself look good. With her tight budget, she likes to go to those cheap night markets and haggle with the shop owners. Though she looks not bad, it's easy to tell that all her clothes and accessories are cheap and are fake imitations. Same can be said for her makeup and perfume. What to do? Besides her parents, whom she needs to support, she still has many dependent younger brothers and sisters. She has to be thrifty. She has no chance to see the luxurious side of the world. Therefore, she has no aspirations about her future. Her biggest wish is become a mistress to a foreign man.

上海像是一个少妇,年约30多岁。出身于典型的小市民之家。比起C来,她的家境要好多了,起码自己赚自己花,无需为家用发愁。也许是由于出身的关系,她非常势力,心绪也十分复杂。一方面她经常偷偷地学着P的样子打扮,唯恐自己露怯,跟不上潮流,这就是为什么又是我们眼中的她穿着总是有些不搭调,中不中,西不西的;另一方面她也经常嘲笑P, 以老女人来称之,但终究不像P那样出身名门,无法取代P在社交界的地位,只得望而兴叹。她即嫉妒S的青春,美丽和富裕,同时又酸酸地说那有什么了不起,无脑人罢了。至于C,那就更不用说了算,那个俗气的乡下妞,真恶心。
Shanghai looks like a young wife in her 30’s. She's born in a lower middle class family. Compare to C, her family background was much better. She has not too many worries about life. She is snobbish and complicated. On the one hand, she secretively learned from P how to dress up. She always worries she's out of fashion. That's why sometimes we find her dressed in an inharmonious way. On the other hand, she's scornful to P. She addresses her as "an old woman". Unfortunately she was not born in a noble family as P. Therefore, she's not able to replace her as she wishes. She's jealous about S's youth, beauty and wealth; always surrounded by many successful and handsome young men. Meanwhile, she comments that she's very shallow. As for C, no need to mention, that country pumpkin. - So disgusting.

London looks like a middle aged gentleman. He's knowledgeable and smartly dressed. Perhaps he's a typical A type Scorpio. He's melancholy, seldom talks. He acts as if to speak just one sentence would consumes a lot of his energy. He is always sitting at an unnoticeable corner. Doing things alone; eating alone. He never communicates with others.

Kyoto looks like an old お婆さん (grandma) who was born in a royal family. She's in her 60’s or 70's. A quick look and you will be able to tell that she's already very senior in her age. But since young she's rich and affluent and had never suffered, so her skin still looks smooth and resilient. She definitely belongs to those folks who have well maintained their bodies. Most of her clothes are made of silk. Kimono is her favorite. In spring, she always wears the kimono with graceful Sakura (cherry flower) designs. She left behind a sweet residue of Sakura fragrance when she passed by. In autumn, she switches to the elegant maple leave design. She's always a soft speaker with smiles. She had never said "no" in her life time, because it is totally unacceptable because the teachings of the education of her youth. When she is not stop smiling and nodding towards you, you should know that this is the way she disagrees with you. The most frequent word she uses is "yes".

Tai An/泰安

Tai An looks like a farmer about 36 to 37 years old. He's tall, strong and round shouldered. He's simple and honest. No matter who is in difficulties, as long as he sees it, he will give a helping hand. When he sees those pretty girls that are not able to properly stand up in the storm begin to panic and crying, he will say: "Girl, don't worry. Hold me tight. Nothing will happen." He wears rough-home made shoes and clothing. He simply eats right out of the pot. He went to the city a couple of times. But he'd always say: "That's definitely not a place for a rough person like me. I always have to worry dirty here or damage there. They eat with small bowls and plates which can never fill up my stomach." Although he's upright, honest and willing to help, he's a bit afflicted with severe hygiene problem and, he has a very bad habit of spitting. He can hardly win the hearts of those pretty girls.